FIR calls for anti-racist protests

5. Juni 2020

FIR Newsletter gave the information about the racist problems in the USA. The Trump-Administration tries to make “the ANTIFA” responsible for the problems and the riots in the last days. Trump announced to put “ANTIFA” in the category of “terrorist organizations”. That is why we need to be active.

Apart from the fact that “Antifa” does not exist as a group in the USA either, such a classification would be a criminalization of the anti-racist movement. However, such criminalization does not solve the problem of the actually existing racism and the social injustices based on it in the USA. The FIR explains in all clarity: Antifascism is not terrorism – against racism and police violence only justice helps. That will express the FIR and its member federations in the coming days also publicly before embassies and other representations of the USA in several countries.

If you and/or your initiative are able to support this activity, you find at the bottom a printer’s copy of a banner and a poster. If you want to add your organization logo, please send us a model in good solution ( Then you will receive a new printer’s copy. Of cause, it is also possible too to paint it by hand and to show flags of FIR together with such posters.

2020 antiracist protest color

2020 antiracist protest banner farbig