Michel Vanderborght Award 2016

21. November 2016

The International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR) – Antifascist Association handed-over the Michel-Vanderborght-Award on November 18, 2016 in Prague. The ceremony was the opening of the XVII regular congress of FIR. The ceremony was attended by more than 100 guests, veterans and todays antifascists from about 20 European countries.

When in summer 1951 the former resistance fighters, the political prisoners, the fighters in the ranks of the Anti-Hitler-Coalition created in Vienna the FIR, they never expected that 65 years later it is an on-going task to remember the women and men, who sacrificed their life, risked their health, and faced fascist punishment for the freedom of their own country, for their political ideals or for humanism. And until today this task is not a main-stream subject. FIR underlines again and again – these women and men fought not only for their own interests, this fight was the basis for a peaceful and social justice development and solidarity in Europe and the world.

These ideas were the political goal of Michel Vanderborght himself. As Belgian partisan and political resistance fighter he took in 2003 as president responsibility for the renewing of FIR until he died. That is why FIR named the price “Michel Vanderborght Award”.

FIR honored in 2016 institutions and courage persons with commitment for the antifascist ideas from nine countries: From Belgium Jean Cardoen for the Team “Train des Milles”, an international Youth meeting in Memorial Auschwitz, from Czech Republic Prof. Václav Pavlicek, a highly recommended layer and expert for constitutional law, from Germany the “Studienkreis Deutscher Widerstand 1933 – 1945”, which works since 50 years for the preservation of the memories of resistance fighters, from Greece the former veteran Georgi Moraitis, from Hungary the Hungarian Media Groups for its fight for freedom of press, from Israel the director of Memorial Latrum (for Jewish resistance fighters) Zvi Kan-Tor, from Italy the Military Prosecutor Marco de Paolis, who accused the murderers of Sant’ Anna di Stazzema, from Netherland the former veteran Max van den Berg, and from Russia as a posthumous honoring for the 100 anniversary the airman Alexej Petrovich Maresjev, a long-time representative of FIR.

At the end of the ceremony Max van den Berg answered in the name of all awarded and underlined – coming from his own political and personal way – the necessity of civil courage and antifascist engagement in the today’s situation.


Michel Vanderborght Award 2016



Jean Cardoen for the Team “Train des Milles”

Successful work for commemoration with the younger generation


Czech Republic

Prof. Václav Pavlicek

expert of constitutional law, member of the Administrative Foundation of Terezin



Studienkreis Deutscher Widerstand 1933 – 1945

Thomas Altmeyer – Institution of historical research in anti-fascist perspective

Creator of an online-portal “European commemoration places”.



Georgi Moraitis

Veteran of PEAEA-DSE



Hungarian Media Group

Klubrádió-Arató András; Népszava-Németh Péter



Zvi Kan-Tor

Director of the Memorial place Latrum (Israel)



Marco de Paolis

Chief of the Military Prosecutors Office in La Spezia 2002 — 2008.



Max van den Berg,

Veteran of Resistance and active for resistance Museum in Amsterdam



Alexej Petrovich Maresjev (posthumous)

Veteran and former representative of FIR



XVII ordentlicher Kongress in Prag

21. November 2016

 Internationale Föderation der Widerstandskämpfer (FIR) ist eine lebendige Organisation

Am Wochenende 18. – 20. November 2016 fand in Prag der XVII ordentliche Kongress der Internationalen Föderation der Widerstandskämpfer (FIR) – Bund der Antifaschisten statt. Mehr als 50 Delegierte aus knapp 20 europäischen Ländern vertraten Verbände ehemaliger Partisanen und Widerstandskämpfer, Kämpfer der Anti-Hitler-Koalition, Deportierte und Verfolgte, ihre Familienangehörigen und Antifaschisten heutiger Generationen. Unter den Delegierten waren noch drei Veteranen des antifaschistischen Kampfes.

Eröffnet wurde der Kongress am Freitagabend durch die Übergabe des Michel-Vanderborght–Preises der FIR an Preisträger aus neun Ländern. Unter den Geehrten waren ein tschechischer Verfassungsjurist, der italienische Militärstaatsanwalt, der u.a. das Verbrechen von Sant’ Anna di Stazzema verfolgte, ehemalige Widerstandskämpfer aus Griechenland und den Niederlanden, die bis heute als Zeitzeugen aktiv sind, sowie das belgische Team des „Zug der Tausend“ und der Studienkreis „Deutscher Widerstand 1933 – 1945“ für ihre Geschichtsarbeit mit jungen Menschen.

Auf dem Kongress zogen die Delegierten eine Bilanz der erfolgreichen Arbeit der vergangenen drei Jahre, die durch eindrucksvolle Gedenkveranstaltungen und zahlreiche politische Aktivitäten geprägt war. In mehreren Ansprachen wurde mit großer Sorge der Aufschwung der extremen Rechten in vielen europäischen Ländern und deren Einfluss selbst im Europäischen Parlament thematisiert. Hier sehen die Mitgliedsverbände in den kommenden Jahren eine große Herausforderung, eine politische Rechtsentwicklung in Europa und den einzelnen Ländern zu stoppen. In der lebendigen Diskussion, an der sich fast alle Verbände beteiligten, wurden Bilanz gezogen und Einschätzungen zur aktuellen Entwicklung vorgestellt. Dass diese Einschätzungen recht unterschiedlich ausgefallen sind, überrascht nicht, beteiligten sich doch Delegierte aus Russland und der Ukraine, aus Griechenland und Belgien, aus Italien und Serbien an der Debatte.

Es war aber ein beeindruckendes Zeichen antifaschistischer Gemeinsamkeit, dass in der mit großer Mehrheit angenommenen politischen Erklärung des Kongresses die Fragen der Kriegsgefahr und der aktuellen Flüchtlingssituation klar thematisiert wurden. Bei aller Unterschiedlichkeit der Einschätzungen war deutlich, dass Antifaschisten sich für die sozialen und Menschenrechte jedes Einzelnen – unabhängig von seinem Pass und seiner Herkunft – einsetzen. Auch zum Kampf gegen Geschichtsrevisionismus und Verfälschung der Rolle des Widerstandes gab es große Übereinstimmung. Im Vorschlag für die politischen Aufgaben der kommenden Jahre wurden die Aktivitäten gegen den Aufschwung der extremen Rechten ebenso genannt, wie das gemeinsame Handeln für die Bewahrung der Erinnerung. Dazu gehören die Arbeit mit der Ausstellung „Europäischer Widerstand gegen den Nazismus“ und der Vorschlag, eine europäische Konferenz mit verschiedenen antifaschistischen und antirassistischen Netzwerken gegen den Vormarsch der extremen Rechten auf den Weg zu bringen.

Von großer Einmütigkeit zeugten die Wahlen. Der ungarische Präsident Vilmos Hanti wird nun von drei Vizepräsidenten aus Griechenland, Italien und Russland unterstützt. (siehe Leitungsgremium der FIR)

Den Abschluss des Kongresses bildete eine Fahrt in die Gedenkstätte Lidice, wo die Delegierten und Gäste Kränze zur Erinnerung an die Opfer der faschistischen Barbarei niederlegten. Der Vertreter der Lagergemeinschaft Ravensbrück übergab bei dieser Gelegenheit der Gedenkstätte ein interessantes Dokument der Solidarität der deutschen politischen Häftlinge mit den Frauen von Lidice.

Dr. Ulrich Schneider
Generalsekretär der FIR


FIR auf dem Weg zum 17. regulären Kongress in Prag

28. Oktober 2016

Auf Beschluss des Exekutivausschusses findet der XVII ordentliche Kongress der FIR am 18. – 20. November 2016 in Prag statt. Seit dem 16. ordentlichen Kongress in Sofia haben wichtige Entwicklungen für die politische Arbeit stattgefunden. Großartige Gedenkveranstaltungen zum 70. Jahrestag der Sieges über den Faschismus und gemeinsame Aktivitäten wie das Internationale Jugendtreffen in Auschwitz unterstrichen die hohe Anerkennung der Organisation und die Bedeutung der Arbeit mit der Jugend.

Auf der anderen Seite bestätigt die problematische Entwicklung (z.B. Kriegsgefahr, Flüchtlingsentwicklung und die Zunahme extrem rechter Kräfte) nicht allein in Europa, sondern in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt noch einmal die Notwendigkeit antifaschistischer und antirassistischer Arbeit auch in der Zukunft. Dafür ist eine kraftvolle und handlungsfähige Organisation unverzichtbar.

Und so wird es auf dem kommenden Kongress darum gehen, eine ehrliche Bilanz der vergangenen Arbeit zu ziehen und die Aufgaben für die kommende Zeit zu definieren. Zudem muss satzungsgemäß das Leitungsgremium neu gewählt werden.

Am Abend des 18. November 2016 soll zum Auftakt des Kongresses der Michel-Vanderborght-Preis in einer Feierstunde überreicht werden. Den Abschluss wird eine gemeinsame Gedenkveranstaltung in der Gedenkstätte Lidice am Sonntag bilden.

Über 50 Delegierte und Gäste aus etwa 20 europäischen Ländern und Israel werden auf dem Kongress erwartet. Außerdem nehmen Vertreter internationaler Organisationen und gesellschaftlicher Verbände der tschechischen Republik teil.

Mit großer Unterstützung unseres tschechischen Mitgliedsverbandes CSBS konnte der Kongress organisatorisch vorbereitet werden. Er findet statt im Congress Center des TOP Hotel, Prag statt. Während der Tagung wird es Simultanübersetzung in Englisch und Russisch geben.


Sollte jemand Interesse haben, als Gast teilzunehmen, wende man sich entweder an den nationalen Mitgliedsverband oder an das Büro der FIR.

FIR on the way to the XVII regular congress in Prague

28. Oktober 2016

The Executive committee decided to hold the XVII regular congress of FIR November 18 – 20, 2016 in Prague. Since the XVI regular congress in Sofia we could experience a number of important developments of the political work. Impressive commemoration activities of the 70th anniversary of Day of Victory and common activities like the international youth meeting in Auschwitz underlined importance of FIR and the meaning of the work with the youth. On the other hand confirms the problematic development (f. e. danger of war, problems for refugees, and uprising of extreme right groups) not only in Europe but in different parts of the world the necessity of anti-fascist and anti-racist activities also in the future. Therefor a strong and authorized to act organization is necessary. So the tasks of the coming congress will be to make a realistic balance of our common work of the last years and to define the coming tasks. In addition we have to elect the leading committees. At the evening of November 18 – as an opening ceremony – we will hand over the Michel-Vanderborght-Award to partners of FIR. The closing will be a common commemoration ceremony in Lidice on Sunday morning. More than 50 delegates and guests from about 20 European countries and Israel are expected. Also guest from international structures and social organizations of Czech republic. The preparation of the congress has been done with excellent support of our Czech member federation CSBS. The conference and the accommodation will be in TOP Hotel Praha (Congress Center). Working languages at the congress are English and Russian. If somebody is interested to participate as guest, please ask the national federation or contact the FIR-office.

Solidarität mit den demokratischen Kräften in der Türkei!

31. Juli 2016

Schon seit Monaten verfolgen die Internationale Föderation der Widerstandskämpfer (FIR) – Bund der Antifaschisten und ihre Mitgliedsverbände die politische Entwicklung in der Türkei mit großer Sorge. Es war bereits erkennbar, dass die Regierungen unter Staatspräsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan einerseits eine zunehmend expansionistische Politik mit Unterstützung der IS-Truppen in Syrien betrieb, andererseits innenpolitisch eine Einschränkung der demokratischen Freiheiten, insbesondere der Pressefreiheit. Trotzdem wurde Erdoğan seitens der EU-Administration im Frühjahr 2016 als Helfer in der Flüchtlingsfrage auserkoren, der – mit 3 Mrd. Euro honoriert – das Problem des Flüchtlingsstroms nach Europa lösen sollte.

Mit dem Militärputsch in der Türkei Mitte Juli 2016 wurde diese Entwicklung nicht gestoppt, sondern in verschärfter Form weiterentwickelt. Der gescheiterte Putsch, der selber sicherlich keinen Zuwachs an Demokratie gebracht hätte, wird von Erdoğan genutzt, um mit antidemokratischen Mitteln und unter Aufhebung der grundlegenden Freiheitsrechte seine Macht zu sichern. Zehntausende Lehrer, Richter und Leiter von Universitätsfakultäten sind bereits entlassen, viele Soldaten sind inhaftiert. Die Unterdrückungen gehen weiter und jetzt trifft es vor allem Journalisten. Die Kritik an der aktuellen Aufhebung der „Europäischen Konvention für Menschenrechte“ übersieht, dass bereits in den vergangenen Monaten in der Türkei schwere Verstöße gegen Freiheits- und Menschenrechte stattgefunden haben.

Jeden Tag erleben wir weitere Einschränkungen der demokratischen Freiheiten. Akademikern wird die freie Ausreise untersagt, tausende Reispässe werden annulliert, weit über 50.000 Beschäftigte des öffentlichen Dienstes haben bereits ihre Arbeitsplätze verloren. Über 50 Zeitungen und andere Medien verloren ihre Zulassungen, so dass die öffentliche Meinung nur noch von den Regierungsmedien beherrscht wird. Außerdem geht die polizeiliche und militärische Unterdrückung der kurdischen Bevölkerung im Südosten der Türkei in unverminderter Härte weiter.

Aus diesen Gründen rufen wir auf zur politischen Solidarität mit den demokratischen Kräften der Türkei, den Gewerkschaften, den verfolgten politischen Parteien, den demokratischen Medien und den Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft. Ihre Handlungsfreiheit muss wieder hergestellt werden. Wir sind solidarischen mit den Menschen in der Türkei, die sich gegen einen autoritären, islamistischen Staat im Sinne von Staatspräsident Erdoğan wehren.

Wir fordern die Europäische Union auf, gegenüber der türkischen Regierung die Einhaltung europäischer Werte: Demokratie, Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Pressefreiheit sowie das Recht sich frei zu versammeln, sich friedlich zu äußern oder der eigenen Religion nachzugehen, einzufordern. Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Türkei können nicht nur davon abhängig gemacht werden, ob nun die Todesstrafe wieder eingeführt werden soll.

Wir erwarten von der Europäischen Union, dass sie anstelle jenes Deals zu Lasten von Kriegsflüchtlinge gegenüber der türkischen Regierung unter Staatspräsident Erdoğan die Wiederherstellung demokratischer Rechte und Freiheiten in der Türkei einfordert.

Solidarity with the democratic forces in Turkey!

31. Juli 2016

For months, the International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR) — Association of Anti-fascists and its member federations follows with great concern the political development in Turkey. It was already visible that the government under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan started on one hand an increasingly expansionist policy with the support of IS troops in Syria, on the other hand domestically he practices a restriction of democratic freedoms, particularly freedom of the press. Nevertheless, Erdoğan was chosen by the EU administration in spring 2016 as a helper in the refugee question, he should solve the problem of the influx of migrants to Europe — rewarded with 3 billion euros.

With the military coup in Turkey in mid July 2016, this development has not been stopped, but developed further amplified. The failed coup that would itself certainly brought no increase in democracy is used by Erdoğan to secure its power – with anti-democratic means and repealing fundamental freedoms. Tens of thousands of teachers, judges and heads of university departments are already released, many soldiers are imprisoned. The repression goes on and now it hits especially journalists. Criticism of the current repealing «European Convention on Human Rights» overlooks that this have already taken place in recent months in Turkey with serious violations of civil and human rights.

Every day we see further restrictions on democratic freedom. For Academics the free passage is prohibited, thousands of passports are canceled, and over 50,000 public sector workers have already lost their jobs. About 50 newspapers and other media lost their licenses, so that public opinion is only controlled by the government media. In addition, the police and military repression of the Kurdish people continues undiminished in southeastern Turkey.

For these reasons, we call for political solidarity with the democratic forces of Turkey, the unions, the persecuted political parties, the democratic media and the civil society organizations. Their freedom must be restored. We are in solidarity with the people of Turkey, who resist an authoritarian Islamist state in the sense of President Erdoğan.

We call the European Union to demand from the Turkish government in compliance with European values: democracy, rule of law, press freedom and the right to freely assemble, to express themselves peacefully or to pursue one’s own religion. Accession negotiations with Turkey can be made not only depends on whether the death penalty is to be reintroduced.

We expect the European Union to demand from the Turkish government under President Erdoğan the restoration of democratic rights and freedoms in Turkey instead of deals at the expense of war refugees.


The International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR) — Association of Antifascists remembers Elie Wiesel

3. Juli 2016

We have to say a last far-well to Elie Wiesel, who died in the first days of July 2016 at the age of 87 years. He was an international well-known survivor of the CC Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Born in Sighet in Transylvania, he was deported 1944 with his family to the extermination camp Auschwitz, where most of its members were killed. He himself left with an evacuation transport to Buchenwald, where he experienced one hand the hell of «Little Camp», on the other hand the organized resistance of prisoners and the liberation on April 11, 1945. Although he was not a part of the resistance organization, he never forgot this solidary performance of his comrades.

As rapporteur of the United Nations and later as a professor of literature, philosophy and Judaism his central concern was to do everything that these crimes against humanity will not be forgotten and racism and antisemitism will never allowed to recover its strength. For this commitment, 1986, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Several times he took the floor to speak to the world community to defend humanism and to preserve memories. June 2009, he accompanied US-President Barack Obama together with the President of the International Committee Buchenwald Dora Bertrand Herz during his visit in the memorial Buchenwald.

Until his last days, Elie Wiesel was active in the historical educational work and in the preservation of the memories of the victims of racist extermination policy. An important voice of the survivors, a voice of humanism and anti-racist movement has ceased with his death. We will never forget him.

Vilmos Hanti, President, Dr. Ulrich Schneider, General Secretary

Protect political rights in all of Europe – no persecution of communist parties and ban their political symbols

27. Mai 2016

FIR as umbrella organization of veterans, partisans and former resistance fighters and antifascists of today’s generations is seriously concerned about the danger for political freedom in several European countries. The persecution of Communist parties, of Communist and antifascist Resistance fighters, the ban on the use of their symbols which began after the overthrow of socialism in Eastern Europe, is even expanding in our days. The persecution of the Communist party members and Resistance Fighters in the Baltic countries, in Hungary, Poland, Ukraine and further countries, are well-known.

In these countries, has outlawed the use of symbols, primarily of the Communist parties and, even after that, many Communists and Resistance fighters, the pioneers of the national movement were convicted and jailed. Restrictions in these countries show that these persecutions were aimed at social freedom and civil rights. On the other hand the actions of fascist parties and organizations are allowed in these countries: former Nazi are praised and SS-collaborators were called “freedom fighters” and monuments to their honor were erected. In the same time monuments of the Red Army which had liberated these countries and defeated fascism were demolished. All those countries, except Ukraine, are members of the European Union. These countries, but Ukraine as well having an ultra-right fascist government, are politically, economically and militarily supported by the EU which closes its eyes in view of these crimes.

Although FIR is not linked to any political party, we are seriously concerned about these political tendencies in several European countries. And, in this regard, we cannot forget that the EU-parliament adopted a resolution equating Hitler with Stalin, fascism with socialism and establishing the 23th of August (the day on which the Ribbentrop-Molotov agreement was signed) as a day of remembrance against totalitarian regimes.

FIR encourages representatives of the EU to defend the political rights of all people and not to support such rightwing-populist governments which have proven that they delimitate the political rights of their peoples and allow the activities of ultra-right and fascist organizations.

May 2016

Stop the historical revisionism in Europe

27. Mai 2016

71 years after the liberation from Fascism and war, FIR sees with great concern serious problems in several European countries, especially in Central and Eastern Europe (Poland, the Baltics, Hungary, Ukraine, and Croatia et.al.) because of historical revisionist trends.

It is unacceptable that monuments of the liberators are dismantled and destroyed by the today’s political governments (Poland, Croatia, and Ukraine).

It is unacceptable that the heroic struggle of the partisans and the resistance fighters are denounced and the values are minimalized in the public.

It is unacceptable equalizing fascism with communism or the leaders of the anti-fascist victory with Nazi criminals.

It is unacceptable that Nazi collaborators and SS soldiers were honored as highly recommended in the Baltics and Ukraine, and they are called “freedom fighters”.

It is unacceptable that today’s generations are confronted with faulty information and revisionist views on the struggle of the Resistance (Hungary and Poland).

We condemn all these kinds of historical revisionism and falsification. It is politically dangerous because this is often connected with the political acceptance of right wing and open fascist groups and propaganda, like in Ukraine. As we can see – there are such tendencies also in Poland or Hungary.

FIR and its member federations stand for the historical truth about the struggle of Resistance and to preserve the memory of those who fought against fascism and war. We remember all the women and men, they sacrificed their lives, risking their health and freedom, to fight for the freedom of their country and the liberation of Europe.

We are proud to see that in several countries the anti-fascist, resistance fighter and veteran organizations are able to mobilize younger generations on this subject like we experienced in Italy, France, Germany, Greece, Russia and several other European countries. These are hopeful signals that all attempts of historical revisionism will find political and anti-fascist responses.

We encourage schools and universities, historians, pedagogues and anti-fascist fighters, to continue to bring young people the history of the struggle against fascism and the real history of Second World War again and again.

We urge the European Parliament and political structures in all European countries to follow their own public declarations – given the 70th anniversary of the day of liberation/ day of victory – never to allow such historical revisionism and to defend the honor of the Resistance fighters and the victims of Nazism.

FIR reaffirms its solidarity with the refugees

27. Mai 2016

FIR – the federation of former veterans, partisans and Resistance fighters, antifascists of today’s generations – recalls its declaration „Helping refugees – combat the causes of flight – human dignity for everyone – together against racism!” (March 2016). On this fundament the leading body of FIR supports the following declaration of our Greek comrades (PEAEA) and encourages all member federations of FIR to be active and in solidarity with the refugees in their countries:

The refugee crisis has become worse since the shameful agreement between the EU and Turkey which violates the rights of refugees as they have been defined by international law signed as well by the Greek government. The situation of the refugees is becoming more and more inhumane. Those refugees who are sent back by Greece to Turkey, are thrown into prison and if they are sent to their home countries, their life is in immediate danger.

This agreement permitted as well many American NATO warships to be present in the Eastern part of Mediterranean under the pretext of monitoring from the field to reduce the flow of refugees, but really they just follow the movements of Russian warships. The result is an increase of the danger of an imperialist war with disastrous consequences for the populations of the entire region. However the refugee crisis escalated especially after the closure of the European borders with the result that refugees are trapped in Greece under inhumane conditions.

Scandals of NGO’s exploiting refugees also are being revealed every day making life of refugees even harder. If the refugees are still preserved in Greece, it’s because of the solidarity of ordinary people and the organized help from people’s committees.

Hypocritical statements and actions of the European Union and other imperialist organs are not going to solve any problem, because the flows of refugees are the result of the imperialist interventions and wars those organizations cause themselves in order to control the resources of wealth of those regions and their transport routes.

We demand the immediate opening of borders to refugees, so they were able to go to the countries where they want to live. We also demand an end to imperialist interventions so that refugees could return to their homes.         

Adopted May 2016

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