Призыв к миру – Обращение к советским ветеранам Великой Отечественной войны

18. März 2022

ФИР и ее ассоциации никогда не забудут о великом подвиге всех советских ветеранов Красной Армии против фашистской угрозы. Вместе с другими силами антигитлеровской коалиции они сыграли решающую роль в освобождении Европы от нацистского варварства и, тем самым, завершения Второй мировой войны. С огромными жертвами они защищали свою родину. Освобождая 27 января 1945 года лагерь Освенцим, они дошли до того центрального места фашистской политики уничтожения, следы которой они ранее обнаружили во всех оккупированных советских республиках. То, что за освободительную борьбу народам Советского Союза пришлось заплатить 27 миллионами жертв, никто из серьезно настроенных на мир во всем мире не может и не должен отрицать. Поэтому советские ветераны Великой Отечественной войны во всех отношениях вправе возвысить свой голос в качестве политического и морального авторитета за мир и против нацистской идеологии.

В нынешней ситуации российско-украинской войны ФИР как « Посол мира » ООН обращается ко всем бывшим ветеранам Великой Отечественной войны и их родственникам:

Используйте свое общественное и политическое влияние и добивайтесь немедленного прекращения боевых действий в этой войне. Живете ли вы в Беларуси, Российской Федерации, Украине, Израиле или любой другой стране, обратитесь к лидерам своих стран. Попросите их путем диалога с политическими лидерами России и Украины, с представителями военных с обеих сторон добиться немедленного прекращения всех боевых действий, включая обеспечение того, чтобы никакие вооруженные формирования не продлевали эти боевые действия. Немедленное прекращение огня необходимо для защиты гражданского населения, среди которого много бывших советских ветеранов и их родственников. Они лучше других знают, что оружие должно замолчать. Поставки оружия не принесут мира, только прекращение боевых действий и серьезные переговоры между воюющими сторонами.

Как только оружие замолчит, начнется следующая великая задача для вас, ветеранов. Вам, отдавшим здоровье и жизнь за освобождение родины и сокрушение нацизма, теперь предстоит помочь начать процесс примирения между братскими народами России и Украины, как они называются в ваших публикациях. В этом ФИР хотела бы поддержать вас.

8/9 мая – в День освобождения и День Победы – давайте вместе вспомним в разных странах Европы об историческом подвиге ветеранов Красной Армии, о том, как они вместе, рука об руку, боролись против нацизма и за мир. Это может стать основой для примирения – и в России, и на Украине. В то же время нам нужна совместная поддержка всех советских ветеранов в нашей борьбе в разных странах Европы за сохранение свидетельств и мемориалов освобождения и освободителей.

Appeal for peace to all Soviet veterans of the « Great Patriotic War »

18. März 2022

The FIR and its member federations never forget the great achievement of all Soviet veterans of the Red Army against the fascist threat. Together with the other forces of the anti-Hitler coalition, they played a decisive role in the liberation of Europe from Nazi barbarism and, thus, in ending the Second World War. At great sacrifice, they defended their own homeland and in liberating the Auschwitz camp on January 27, 1945, they reached that central site of the fascist extermination policy, the traces of which they had previously found in all occupied Soviet republics. The fact that the peoples of the Soviet Union had to pay with 27 million victims for this liberation struggle is a legacy that no one seriously committed to peace in the world can and must deny. Therefore, the Soviet veterans of the Great Patriotic War are in every respect entitled to raise their voices as a political and moral authority for peace and against Nazi ideology.

In the current situation of the Russian-Ukrainian war, FIR as “Ambassador of Peace” of the United Nations appeals to all former veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and their relatives:

Use your social and political influence and work for the immediate cessation of hostilities in this war. Whether you live in Belarus, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Israel or any other country, turn to the leaders of your countries. Ask them, through a dialogue with political leaders in Russia and Ukraine, with representatives of the military on both sides, to bring about an immediate halt to all fighting, including ensuring that no armed snipers prolong this fighting. An immediate ceasefire is necessary for the protection of civilians, among whom there are many former Soviet veterans and their relatives. They know better than anyone else does that the guns must be silent. Arms deliveries will not bring peace, only a cessation of fighting and serious negotiations between the warring parties.

Once the weapons are silenced, the next great task for you, veterans, begins. You, who gave your health and life for the liberation of the homeland and the crushing of Nazism, are now challenged to help start the process of reconciliation between the Russian and Ukrainian brother peoples, as it is called in your publications. In this, the FIR would like to support you.

On May 8/9 – the Liberation Day and the Victory Day –let us remember together in the different European countries the historic achievement of the veterans of the Red Army, how they fought together, hand in hand, against Nazism and for peace. This can be a basis of reconciliation – in Russia and in Ukraine. At the same time, we need the joint support of all Soviet veterans as we struggle in various European countries to preserve the testimonies and memorials to the liberation and the liberators.

Military logic does not solve problems – military actions must be stopped immediately!

24. Februar 2022

The FIR is an “ambassador of peace”. We stand for peace without war! Therefore, FIR condemns the Russian military action on the territory of Ukraine. As highlighted in our last newsletter, we do not see military escalation as a solution to the disputes between the Russian Federation and Ukraine in the context of the Donbass conflict.

Even if military action is limited to strikes against military infrastructure, we as an International Umbrella Organization cannot condone such action. We continue to advocate that this military action must be stopped immediately. A solution can and must only be found through negotiations involving the OSCE structures.

This situation once again underscores in all its drama:

Whoever wants a de-escalation of the situation must return to confidence-building measures (such as the open sky agreement), the principles of the NATO-Russia Founding Act of 1997 and to genuine arms limitation and disarmament treaties, which have been unilaterally terminated by the United States.

Not military strikes against Ukraine or on the other hand rearmament of Ukraine, but diplomacy, a common security architecture and the recognizable will for disarmament are necessary in this situation.

The FIR and its member federations raised already several years ago the demand for a new policy of détente. This is more topical than ever. The peace forces in all European countries must publicly stand up for this.

Militärische Logik löst keine Probleme – Militäraktionen müssen sofort eingestellt werden!

24. Februar 2022

Die FIR ist ein „Botschafter des Friedens“. Wir stehen für Frieden ohne Krieg! Daher verurteilt die FIR die russische Militäraktion auf dem Territorium der Ukraine. Wie in unserem letzten Newsletter hervorgehoben, sehen wir in einer militärischen Eskalation keine Lösung für die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen der russischen Föderation und der Ukraine im Zusammenhang mit dem Donbass-Konflikt.

Selbst wenn sich militärische Handlungen auf Schläge gegen die militärische Infrastruktur beschränken, können wir als Internationale Dachorganisation ein solches Vorgehen nicht billigen.

Wir treten weiterhin dafür ein, dass dieses militärische Vorgehen sofort gestoppt wird. Eine Lösung kann und darf es nur auf dem Verhandlungswege geben unter Einbeziehung der OSZE Strukturen geben.

Diese Situation unterstreicht noch einmal in aller Dramatik:

Wer eine Deeskalation der Lage will, muss zurückkehren zu vertrauensbildenden Maßnahmen (wie z.B. dem open sky-Abkommen), den Prinzipien der NATO-Russland-Grundakte von 1997 und zu echten Rüstungsbegrenzungs- und Abrüstungsverträgen, die durch die USA einseitig gekündigt worden sind.

Nicht Militärschläge gegen die Ukraine oder andererseits Aufrüstung der Ukraine, sondern Diplomatie, eine gemeinsame Sicherheitsarchitektur und der erkennbare Wille zur Abrüstung sind in dieser Situation nötig.

Die FIR und ihre Mitgliedsverbände haben schon vor mehreren Jahren die Forderung nach einer neuen Entspannungspolitik erhoben. Dies ist aktueller denn je. Dafür müssen sich die Friedenskräfte in allen europäischen Ländern öffentlich einsetzen.

Stop the danger of war – for a new European security architecture

23. Februar 2022

In its latest Newsletter FIR presented the following tasks to solve the political conflict:

From our point of view, there is a solution to this problem, to which all sides can actively work on:

A propagandistic de-escalation and preparation of a European security conference in OSCE format, in which contractual agreements are concluded which correspond to the security interests of all states in Europe.

Those who do not want Russian medium-range forces in Kaliningrad must also contractually agree not to position any elsewhere near the Russian border.

Those who want Russian troops to be withdrawn near their own borders must not provide for NATO troops on their own border.

Whoever does not want a political-military escalation in Europe must prevent NATO – contrary to all political agreements – from expanding further east.

Those who want a de-escalation of the situation must return to confidence-building measures (such as the open sky agreement), the principles of the 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act, and to genuine arms limitation and disarmament treaties that have been unilaterally terminated by the United States.

Not dangerous threatening gestures and armament of Ukraine, but diplomacy, a common security architecture and the recognizable will for disarmament are necessary in this situation.

The FIR and its member federations raised already several years ago the demand for a new policy of détente. This is more topical than ever. The peace forces in all European countries must publicly stand up for this.

The full declaration, you can find on facebook-page of FIR

Gegen Kriegsgefahr – für eine neue europäische Sicherheitsarchitektur

23. Februar 2022

In dem neuen FIR Newsletter hat die Organisation folgende praktische Vorschläge zur Lösung der politischen Krise unterbreitet:

Aus der Sicht der FIR gibt es jedoch eine Lösung für dieses Problem, an dem alle Seiten aktiv mitarbeiten können:

Eine propagandistische Deeskalation und Vorbereitung einer europäischen Sicherheitskonferenz im OSZE-Format, in der vertragliche Vereinbarungen abgeschlossen werden, die den Sicherheitsinteressen aller Staaten in Europa entsprechen.

Wer keine russischen Mittelstreckenraketen in Kaliningrad will, muss auch vertraglich zusagen, keine an anderer Stelle nahe der russischen Grenze zu positionieren.

Wer will, dass russische Truppen nahe der eigenen Grenzen abgezogen werden, der darf keine NATO – Truppen an seiner eigenen Grenze vorsehen.

Wer keine politisch-militärische Eskalation in Europa will, der muss verhindern, dass die NATO sich – entgegen aller politischen Absprachen – weiter nach Osten ausdehnt.

Wer eine Deeskalation der Lage will, muss zurückkehren zu vertrauensbildenden Maßnahmen (wie z.B. dem open sky-Abkommen), den Prinzipien der NATO-Russland-Grundakte von 1997 und zu echten Rüstungsbegrenzungs- und Abrüstungsverträgen, die durch die USA einseitig gekündigt worden sind.

Nicht gefährliche Drohgebärden und Aufrüstung der Ukraine, sondern Diplomatie, eine gemeinsame Sicherheitsarchitektur und der erkennbare Wille zur Abrüstung sind in dieser Situation nötig.

Die FIR und ihre Mitgliedsverbände haben schon vor mehreren Jahren die Forderung nach einer neuen Entspannungspolitik erhoben. Dies ist aktueller denn je. Dafür müssen sich die Friedenskräfte in allen europäischen Ländern öffentlich einsetzen.

100 years Prof. Ilya Semyonovich Kremer

21. Januar 2022

We remember one of the most active comrade in arms of the International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR), Prof. Dr. Ilya S. Kremer, because of his 100 birthday on 22 January.

Born 1922 in Gomel (Soviet Union), he studied 1939 at the faculty for history of the Leningrad University, from 1940 at the Moscow University. The fascist attack of June 1941 changed also his life. Instead of studying, he took part in the protection of the homeland, in fortification work and until 1943 in an aircraft factory as a lathe operator. In summer of 1943, he became a soldier in the Red Army and took part in the fight for Berlin. In an interview, he reported:

« It wasn’t until 1943, when the Red Army had already suffered terrible losses that I was sent to the front. So I was put into a training unit, and in 1944, I joined the anti-aircraft artillery of the 5th Corps of the 1st Belarusian Front. Our route then led from Lublin to Berlin via Warsaw, Poznan and Landsberg on the Warta River. » It was not until November 1945 that he was demobilized and returned to Moscow.

Two years later, he was able to complete his studies in 1948. As an historian and professor of international relations, he was subsequently editor and lecturer in history at the Moscow Automotive Technical School. In the mid-1950s, he came to the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In 1974, he was appointed professor at the Department of International Relations of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the CPSU. As a member of the Soviet Committee for European Security, he accompanied the process of détente policy scientifically and practically.

Of central importance was his work in FIR. Several decades he was political secretary of the FIR and representative of the Soviet (Russian) committee of war veterans in the FIR office in Vienna, temporarily as secretary general and member of the presidency of the FIR. In this context, he developed various international contacts. He participated in numerous FIR congresses, in congresses for European security, in the World Congress of Scientists for Peace, etc. On behalf of FIR and the Russian Committee of Veterans he visited various veterans’ organizations of Europe, the USA and Israel with the aim of developing cooperation between national anti-fascist and pacifist organizations.

During the reactivation of the FIR since 2004, he was of enormous value as advisor and mediator. He really worked in that time – in the best sense – as a “grey eminence”, because of his intensive political contacts all over the world. FIR appointed him since 2004 as a member of the honorary presidency and distinguished him 2019 with the « Michel Vanderborght Award ».

Ilya S. Kremer in Franfurt/M at a congress of VVN-BdA

He died on 23 March 2020 at the age of 98 years in Moscow. We remember him as a comrade and good friend.

FIR is saddened by the death of EP President David Sassoli

11. Januar 2022

We were saddened to learn that the President of the European Parliament died this morning in an Italian hospital.

Sassoli was the son of a fellow member of the Italian Resistenza. He never forgot or denied these roots in his political life. We remember that in his inaugural speech after the European elections, he referred in no uncertain terms to the anti-fascist roots of a united Europe. We also did not forget that he subsequently changed his vote on the historical revisionist resolution of September 19, 2019, which he had agreed to out of factional discipline, to rejection. This showed us once again that his actions were shaped by a fundamental anti-fascist conviction.

His death is a great loss for his family, his political partners in the European Parliament and for his comrades-in-arms in the ranks of ANPI, of which he was a member.

Our sympathy goes out to them.  

FIR ist betroffen über den Tod von EP-Präsident David Sassoli

11. Januar 2022

Mit Betroffenheit mussten wir erfahren, dass der Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments heute Morgen in einem italienischen Krankenhaus verstorben ist.

Sassoli war der Sohn eines Mitstreiters der italienischen Resistenza. Er hat in seinem politischen Leben diese Wurzeln niemals vergessen oder verleugnet. Wir erinnern uns, dass er bei seiner Antrittsrede nach der Europawahl in aller Deutlichkeit auf die antifaschistischen Wurzeln des geeinten Europas verwiesen hat. Wir haben auch nicht vergessen, dass er sein Votum zur geschichtsrevisionistischen Resolution vom 19. September 2019, der er aus Fraktionsdisziplin zugestimmt hatte, nachträglich in Ablehnung geändert hat. Das zeigte uns ein weiteres Mal, dass sein Handeln von einer antifaschistischen Grundüberzeugung geprägt war.

Sein Tod ist ein großer Verlust für seine Familie, seine politischen Partner im Europäischen Parlament und für seine Mitstreiter in den Reihen der ANPI, deren Mitglied er war.

Ihnen gilt unsere Anteilnahme.  

The progressive forces in Chile have won!

20. Dezember 2021

With large satisfaction, the FIR took note of the result of the presidential election in Chile. Not the right-wing conservative Pinochet supporter José Antonio Kast could defend his lead in the first election round, but the representative of the left forces Gabriel Boric received with 56% of the votes a clear confirmation in the runoff. FIR congratulates the newly elected Chilean President and the Chilean people for this victory of the progressive forces.

It is a social confirmation of the process that has been fought in the streets for several months of political protests against social injustice and educational privileges. The first result was the creation of a constitutional commission to change the old Pinochet constitution, and now a president has been elected who comes from the protest movement. 

We wish the elected president and the Chilean people every success. Nevertheless, we also know that progressive movements in Latin America are always in danger of being threatened and destabilized by outside forces, more precisely by right-wing forces from the USA. The FIR cannot forget how 50 years ago the socialist government under President Salvador Allende provided hope and awakening in Chile, but then was replaced by the Pinochet regime through the CIA-supported coup of the military.

The FIR and its member federations were afterwards part of the world-spreading network of the Chile solidarity. We provided help for the Chilean refugees and supported their fight for the freedom of the country. This is another reason why we welcome this recent success of the progressive forces in Chile.

¡El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido – venceremos!

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