FIR against violance in Jerusalem

8. Dezember 2014

The International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR) – Association of Anti-fascists, the umbrella organization of former guerrilla fighter against fascism, members of the anti-Hitler coalition, victims of the Nazi regime and anti-fascists of today’s generations received with great sadness the news of the attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem.
We condemn this act of violence which cann’t legitimized by any political desperation or other reasons. This violence is a major obstacle to progress on the path to a peaceful solution to the conflict in the Middle East.
Such attacks on churches and believers lead to escalation and provide those who defeat on both sides of the conflict an agreement, the keywords to answer violence with violence.
We call for an immediate end to the violence in the Middle East. We call on the political leaders in the Palestinian territories to do everything in their power to prevent such forms of individual terror for the residents of Israel can live without fear.
We call on the political leaders in Israel, do not answer this crime through their own criminal actions against the Palestinian civilian population.

The Middle East peace can only be made on the basis of United Nations resolutions – a military solution is impossible. We assure our Israeli member federation our sympathy and full solidarity.

FIR verurteilt Anschlag in Jerusalem

8. Dezember 2014

Die Internationale Föderation der Widerstandskämpfer (FIR) – Bund der Antifaschisten, die Dachorganisation ehemaliger Partisanen, Kämpfer gegen den Faschismus, Angehöriger der Anti-Hitler-Koalition, Verfolgter des Naziregimes und Antifaschisten heutiger Generationen hat mit großer Betroffenheit die Nachricht von dem Anschlag auf eine Synagoge in Jerusalem erhalten.
Wir verurteilen diese Gewalttat, die durch keine politische Verzweiflung oder andere Begründungen legitimierbar ist. Diese Gewalttat ist ein großes Hemmnis, auf dem Weg einer friedlichen Lösung des Konfliktes im Nahe Osten voranzukommen.
Solche Angriffe auf Gotteshäuser und Gläubige führen zur Eskalation und liefern denjenigen, die auf beiden Seiten des Konfliktes gegen eine Verständigung eintreten, die Stichworte, um Gewalt mit Gewalt zu beantworten.
Wir fordern ein unverzügliches Ende der Gewalt im Nahen Osten. Wir rufen die politisch Verantwortlichen in den palästinensischen Gebieten auf, alles in ihrer Macht stehende zu tun, solche Formen individuellen Terrors zu verhindern, damit die Bewohner Israels ohne Angst leben können.
Wir rufen die politisch Verantwortlichen in Israel auf, dieses Verbrechen nicht durch eigene verbrecherische Maßnahmen gegen die palästinensische Zivilbevölkerung zu beantworten.

Der Frieden Nahen Osten kann nur auf der Basis der Beschlüsse der Vereinten Nationen hergestellt werden – eine militärische Lösung ist unmöglich. Wir versichern unseren israelischen Mitgliedsverbänden unser Mitgefühl und unsere volle Solidarität.

A new international policy of peace is necessary

28. Juli 2014

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the WWI on August 1, 1914 and the 75th anniversary of the aggression of Hitler’s Germany on Poland on September 1, 1939, the beginning of WWII, the International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR) – Association of Anti-fascists, the umbrella association of organizations of former resistance fighters, partisans, members of the anti-Hitler coalition, persecuted by the Nazi regime and anti-fascists of today’s generations from twenty-five countries in Europe and Israel calls peace movements, political groups and governments for common activities for a new international policy of peace.

The wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45 were the results neither of „Sleepwalkers“ nor of a „coalition of totalitarian regimes”, but a proof for the fight for imperialist interests, for might and influence in Europe and the world. After the liberation from fascism 1945 the Anti-Hitler-Coalition tried in the decisions of the Potsdam conference and by creating the United Nations to rebuild the international relations and to ban the war out of the life of the peoples. We remind to the fact that forty years ago by political activities of peoples and states in the CSCE – process it has been successful to eliminate the danger of war in Europe.

Since the war against Yugoslavia and the civil war in Ukraine we can see that the danger of war is a reality in current Europe. Although one can hear other words than 1914 or 1939, but the only stakes are also today the penetration of interests of power, regions of influence and – growing up – the dominance and reserves for raw material. For that the military alliance NATO claims for itself a global room for activities – ostensibly for “defence of Western values”, while injuries of human rights, even mass murders are evaluated under the aspects of interests in raw material. Also the right of self-determination of peoples is ignored thereby.

As a “peace-messenger” – appointed by the United Nations – we call the UN, the international organizations and social forces to support initiatives for a new international policy of peace. This includes the recognition of the right of existence of all states and the enforcement of an equitable world economic order. Also the states of the European Union could make their contribution in addition if they reject the militarization of the foreign policy.

In this sense we call peace forces, parties, trade unions and critics of the globalisation, to be active in actions, in voting’s and explanations for a new international policy of peace. The FIR calls its member federations to take part in such initiatives with their historical experiences.

Stop the war in Ukraine now! No tolerance for neo-fascist forces!

14. Juli 2014

The International Federation of resistance Fighters (FIR) – Association of Antifascists calls the actual government of Ukraine to stop the civil war against the own people in eastern Ukraine immediately. The reports on the military activities – even against civilians – and the announcement of President Poroschenko to take revenge against all “separatists” make it clear that any opposition against the current government should be fought with intensive violence.
Those crimes against the own people are possible because the government of the U.S. and the European Union, which decided in may 2014 every minute a new sanction against Russia, because this country was blamed to support the separatists, now are in a death-mans situation and tolerate in fact these massacres. Should OSCE have a political significance in Europa then it must be proved now and OSCE must do its best to finish the war.
Peace in Ukraine is only possible, if the political and military influence of open fascists and ultra-nationalist forces e.g. the “right sector” or the party “Svoboda” can be stopped. These groups are contrary in their statements and their activities to the values and the basics of a democratic Europe. It cannot be and it is not acceptable, that such groups are in responsible positions of the new Ukraine government. As long as fascists in Kiev are sitting on seats of power no European government should be allowed to give support to the current government in Ukraine.
We call the members of the newly elected European Parliament to draw “red line” on this political issue. Otherwise, the tolerance of fascists could become a model for other European countries.

First ideas to the EP-election 2014

14. Juli 2014

The election for the European Parliament has shown nationally very different results, which must be especially evaluated by the respective member associations of the FIR and the social forces in the countries concerned. But nevertheless also generalized statements can be made:

1 The different election results in the participating European countries have a common problem: the low turnout. Even in countries where voting is compulsory did not participate in the election of a large number of voters. The lowest turnout has been registreted in Slovenia with less than 20%. The overall result is that the “party of non-voters” has become the real election winner.

This shows that many people have seen no political future for themselves in elections to the European Parliament. Perhaps because they saw no way to be able to take a real impact on the political situation in Europe, perhaps because they have no overall expectations of Europe. Here it is clear that the current policy of the European Union does not meet the needs of the majority of citizens in the member countries.

2 Dramatic are the results of the extreme right and right-wing populist parties in many European countries. In the UK UKIP reached 27.5%, in Denmark the DF 26.6%, in France the National Front 25% and in Austria the FPÖ 19.5% of the votes. These are not “exceptions”, but the visible signs of the political development of extrem right parties. And there are openly fascist and violent Nazi organizations represented in the European Parliament, Jobbik from Hungary (14.7%), from Sweden “Sweden Democrats” (9.7%), from Greece the “Golden Dawn” (9.4%), from Belgium Flaams Belang (4.2%) and from Germany for the first time NPD (1%). This shows that racist ideology, nationalist responses to the crisis experiences and their militant enforcement can actually mobilize a large number of voters.
This also applies in cases where extreme right-wing groups in relation to the last European elections or the recent national elections could no longer reach the previous number of votes. Both Wilders PVV and the Flaams Belang in Belgium lost recognizable voices.

3 The consequences: First, the existing right fractions will in the future occur with greater voting power and second there will be a fraction (with all funds and political influence) which openly advocates right-wing populist and neo-fascist positions. Unlike 2007, this fraction likely to continue indefinitely, because the participants are less guided by nationalist ideology, but of political power interests.

4 Despite all the drama on the extreme right, we can highlight positive that anti-fascist, left-oriented and democratic organizations got more influence – documented by the number of votes – in different countries. This includes the result of “SYRIZA” in Greece, the results of the various parties of the “indignados” in Spain and the Socialist Party in the Netherlands. As a result, the fractions with which the FIR has worked confidently in the past (PSE and GUE-NGL) has been strengthened, which may be a hopeful sign for us.

5 For FIR, the election results have the consequence that we must strenghen our work together with those forces in the European Parliament they are accessible for anti-fascist themes. The support for our call was a good start. It is our responsibility and the task of our member federations to use the possibilities of the results.

Candidates support the FIR-call

3. Mai 2014


FIR asked in various countries candidates of different parties to support the attemps of antifascist movements and our call. We ask everybody to elect on 25 May 2014 those women and men for the European Parliament who support anti-fascist beliefs.

So far, 36 candidates from six parties in four countries have signed this appeal. They are:

Unterstützerliste April 2014

The torch of FIR in Serbia

31. März 2014

On its way from Bulgaria to Hungaria the torch of FIR has been hosted by SUBNOR Serbia

A FIR fáklyája Szabadka főterén - a közönség

Stop extreme right and neo-fascist forces in Europe!

31. März 2014


FIR expresses its great concern about the current situation in Europe, where extreme right and neo-fascist forces gain massive influence in countries of the European Union and outside the EU. For example, in Hungary they give the keywords for chauvinistic and racist policy, in Poland they exclude social minorities, in the Baltic states they operate with historical revisionism and in Ukraine – supported by representatives of European govenments, USA and NATO – neo-fascist and far-right forces get great influence in the current administration, which has been formed outside the Constitution law. Such policy is directed against social and national minorities and stands for war and expansionism.

FIR deplore that representatives of the European Union recognize such forces and massively promote such groups. Our idea of Europe is linked with the tradition of anti-fascist resistance, a Europe that ensures the social and political rights of all people. Therefore, we demand a clear attitude of all European authorities against extreme – right tendencies and neo-nazi groups in all European countries.



(Deutsch) Antifaschistischer Protest gegen SS-Verbände in Riga

19. März 2014

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Am Vormittag des 16. März 2014 protestierten Antifaschisten aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern auf dem Freiheitsplatz in Riga gegen den geplanten Ausmarsch der SS-Veteranen und ihrer jungen Verherrlicher. Nachdem es noch am Vortag zu massiven und schikanösen Behinderungen gekommen war, trauten sich die lettischen Sicherheitskräfte nicht, dies am Sonntag zu wiederholen, da viele internationale Gäste und eine große Zahl von Pressevertretern anwesend waren.

Am Nationaldenkmal auf dem Freiheitsplatz legten die Antifaschisten, unter ihnen der Präsident der Internationalen Föderation der Widerstandskämpfer (FIR) Vilmos Hanti, der Direktor des Simon Wiesenthal Zentrums Efraim Zuroff, Vertreter der Organisation „World Without Nazism“ und Mitgliedsverbände der FIR aus verschiedenen Ländern, gemeinsam mit den lettischen SS-Gegnern Gebinde zu Ehrern der Widerstandskämpfer und der Befreier Lettlands vom Faschismus nieder, bevor die SS-Veteranen ihren Aufmarsch starteten.

Unfreiwillig unterstützte die Polizei die Protestaktion, da sie die Antifaschisten an dem Platz festhielten, solange die Anhänger der SS vorbeizogen. Damit wurden die gut 1000 Alt- und Neofaschisten mit den Transparenten der Antifaschisten, die diese in Lettisch und Englisch vorbereitet hatten, und den Fahnen der VVN-BdA, der FIR und anderer beteiligter Organisationen konfrontiert. „Dieser gemeinsame Protest gegen SS-Verherrlichung und Geschichtsfälschung ist ein wichtiges Signal europäischer Erinnerungskultur“, kommentierte Vilmos Hanti, Präsident der FIR, die Protestaktion.WaffenSScard-latvian_web

Vote for anti-fascists in the European Parliament !

8. Februar 2014

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Call of FIR: Appeal for the European election campaign

In May 2014, the European Parliament elections take place . For veterans of the anti-fascist struggle and anti- fascists of today’s generations , these elections are important of two main reasons:

The current policy and development of the European Union does not correspond to the interests of large groups of people in the European countries. Numerous decisions lead to massive social exclusion, have disastrous consequences for the weakest of the respective countries. Therefore in the European Parliament , the votes must be strengthened , committed to a democratic , peace-oriented , solidarity and socially just development of Europe.

Secondly in various European countries racist and extreme right-wing forces growing up by the elections , which must be countered active and engaged in the election campaign and in Parliament.

FIR therefore calls on you in the European election campaigns to chose in all countries such men and women who work for a Europe

  • that confronts any form of racial discrimination or xenophobia,

  • that is an advocate for refugees and guarantees humane treatment,

  • that campaigns against all forms of Holocaust denial , historical revision and rehabilitation of SS criminals,

  • that ensures a social policy, which guarantees work, education, food and adequate housing for all human,

  • that stands for a policy of peace , based not on hegemony , but on non-military solutions to conflicts,

  • that represents a community for the interest of the people and not the rule of banks and business associations,

  • that stands for comparable living conditions in all countries and against forced labor migration,

  • that guarantees equality between peoples and nations, and no hegemonic policy .

Such an Europe is possible when the people stand up active and loud for their interests.


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