(Deutsch) FIR protestiert gegen neofaschistischen Lukow-Marsch in Sofia

17. Februar 2018

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Mitte Februar 2018 haben wieder mehrere hundert Neofaschisten aus Bulgarien und anderen europäischen Ländern eine öffentliche Veranstaltung in Sofia abgehalten. Sie zeigten wieder Nazi-Uniformen und faschistische Symbole. In Slogans beleidigten sie Flüchtlinge, Ausländer und türkische Minderheiten im Land.

Der Protest gegen den Marsch war in diesem Jahr sehr breit. Über 175.000 Personen unterstützten eine Online-Petition zum Verbot dieser Provokation. Unsere bulgarische Mitgliedsorganisation BAU und andere Initiativen der Zivilgeselschaft demonstrierten gegen diese Form von Geschichtsrevisionismus. Es ist ein Skandal, dass das Verbot des Aufmarsches durch die Bürgermeisterin von Sofia durch ein bulgarisches Gericht aufgehoben wurde. In Briefen an die bulgarische Regierung und den Bürgermeister von Sofia unterstützte die FIR diesen Protest:

Die Internationale Föderation der Widerstandskämpfer (FIR) – Bund der Antifaschisten ist sehr besorgt über die Nachrichten aus Bulgarien. Unser Mitgliedsverband, die Bulgarische Antifaschistische Union, informierte uns über den geplanten jährlichen Neonazi-Marsch Mitte Februar in Sofia zu Ehren von General Hristo Lukov, der wegen Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit im „Namen des Volkes“ nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zum Tode verurteilt wurde.

Wir müssen Ihnen die Geschichte von General Lukov nicht erklären. Er war ein Kriegsminister und ein Führer der ultranationalistischen Organisation Union der nationalen bulgarischen Legionen. Er war ein „extrem brutaler Unterstützer Hitlers in Bulgarien“. Er hatte die Regierung stark beeinflusst, bulgarische Juden in die Todeslager in Deutschland zu schicken. Er war auch ein glühender Befürworter der Idee, zehn bulgarische Divisionen an der Ostfront gegen die Rote Armee zu schicken. All dies ist in Bulgarien und Europa bekannt.

Was wird passieren, um General Lukov zu ehren?

Fackelzüge, mit Nazi-Uniformen und Symbolen, Neonazi-Ideen, mit Hassdemonstrationen mit ethnischer, religiöser und rassistischer Konfrontation – das sind die Formen neo-faschistischer Verherrlichung der Erinnerung an dieses „Idol“; Hunderte von jungen Menschen mit Glatzköpfen und Nazi-Tattoos, begleitet von Musik, Märschen, Fahnen und Feuerwerk, demonstrieren auf den Straßen von Sofia. Die Organisatoren gehören zu den extremen Kräften der bulgarischen faschistischen und nationalsozialistischen Gruppen, zum bulgarischen Zweig der „Blood and Honour“, Vertreter der nationalistischen Parteien. Dazu kommen Teilnehmer von Nazi-Organisationen aus Deutschland, Kroatien, Ungarn, Italien, Falangisten aus Spanien, extrem rechte Vertreter aus Frankreich, der Gewerkschaft „United and ethnic clean Europe“, aus der russischen zaristischen Bewegung und von der schwedischen Nazi-Bewegung „Nordische Front“ Anti-Einwanderer-Rhetorik, die Angst vor Migrationswellen, die Europa beschäftigen, kennzeichnen die Politik des „Mainstreams der Überzeugung“ in Rassismus, Nationalismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit.

Es ist ein gutes Signal, dass soziale Bewegungen und politische Gruppen in Bulgarien gegen den „Lukov-Marsch“ aufstehen. Im vergangenen Jahr gab es auch eine Protestnote des amerikanischen Botschafters und Russlands.

Wir fordern den Bürgermeister von Sofia und die Vertreter der bulgarischen Regierung auf, den faschistischen Marsch in der bulgarischen Hauptstadt zu verbieten. Es wäre ein sehr schlechtes politisches Signal, wenn die bulgarische Regierung – eigentlich an der Spitze der europäischen Präsidentschaft – europäischen Nazis und Faschisten erlauben würde, das Hakenkreuz und andere faschistische Symbole zu Ehren von General Hristo Lukov in ihrem eigenen Zentrum zu präsentieren.

FIR protests against neofascist Lukov-March in Sofia

17. Februar 2018

This weekend again several hundred neo-Fascists from Bulgaria and other European countries held a public event in Sofia. They showed again Nazi uniforms and fascist symbols. In slogans, they offended refugees, foreigners and Turkish minorities in the country.

The protest against this march was wide. More than 175.000 person supported an online-petition to ban the provocation. Our Bulgarian member federation BAU and other initiatives of the civil society demonstrated against this historical revisionism. It is scandalous that the ban of the march by the Major of Sofia was refused by the Bulgarian High court.

With the following letter to the Bulgarian government and the Major of Sofia FIR supported this protest:

The International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR) – Association of Antifascists is deeply concerned about the news from Bulgaria. Our member federation, the Bulgarian Antifascist Union, informed us about the proposed annual neo-Nazi-marching mid of February in Sofia honoring General Hristo Lukov, who was sentenced to death because of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the “Name of People” after WWII.

We do not need to explain you the history of General Lukov. He was a minister of War and a leader of ultranationalist organization Union of national Bulgarian legions. He was “extremely brutal protector of Hitler in Bulgaria”. He had strongly influenced the government to send Bulgarian Jewish in the death camps in Germany. He also was fierce supporter of the idea for sending ten Bulgarian divisions on the East front against the Red Army. All this is well known in Bulgaria and Europe.

What will happen to honor General Lukov?

Torchlight processions, with Nazi uniforms and symbols, neo-Nazi ideas, with hate demonstrations, ethnic, religious and racial confrontations demonstrate neo-fascist worship in front of the memory of this “idol” in the spirit of stylistics; hundreds of young people with skin heads and tattooed fylfots accompanied with music, marches, flags and fireworks are demonstrating on the streets of Sofia. The organizers belong to the Bulgarian fascist and Nazi group’s ultras, to the Bulgarian branch of “Blood and Honor”, representatives of nationalist parties. They are joined by participants from Nazi organizations from Germany, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Falangist’s from Spain, extreme right representatives from France, by the union “United and ethnically clean Europe”, from the Russian imperial movement and by the Swedish Nazi movement “Nordic Front”. Anti-immigrant rhetoric, the fear of migratory waves, occupying Europe, is turning the policy of “the main stream of conviction” in racism, nationalism and xenophobia.

It is a good signal that social movements and political groups in Bulgaria stand against “LUKOV MARCH”. There was also a protest note from the American ambassador and Russia last year.

We call the major of Sofia and the representatives of the Bulgarian government to ban the fascist marching in Bulgarians Capital. It would be a very bad political signal, if the Bulgarian government – actually the head of the European presidency – would allow European Nazi and fascist to present the swastika and other fascist symbols to honor General Hristo Lukov in their own center.

75 years “White Rose” – FIR remembers the German antifascist resistance

11. Februar 2018

In all from German fascism and its allies occupied countries, resistance fight is well known. Also in fascist Germany one can find resistance groups they sacrificed their life for freedom and peace. One of the most popular groups is the clandestine student group “White Rose” at the Munich University.

The members of the group came together because of a common tradition in the “Bündische Jugend” on initiative of a circle of friends around Sophie and Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell from June 1942 in Munich. Most of them had a Christian and humanistic conviction.

The group wrote, printed and distributed on various clandestine distribution routes six leaflets – in varying, rising trend of last up to 9000 copies. The members distributed the leaflets first in the Munich region itself, later on couriers in some other cities of the German Empire. In these publications, they addressed the regime’s crimes and called for resistance to National Socialism.

In the final phase of its existence, the “White Rose” tried supported by Falk Harnack to expand its contacts with other resistance groups to the imperial capital of Berlin and system opposition to the Wehrmacht circles. After the end of the Battle of Stalingrad their members of “White Rose” also painted public facades in Munich with slogans against Hitler and Nazi rule in nightly actions.

At the end of February 1943, the group was smashed by uncovering, arrest of most of its members and finally the execution of their formative members after death sentences of the People’s Court under the chairmanship of Roland Freisler. The first trial started on February 21, 1943 against Sophie and Hans Scholl and Christoph Probst. All were executed next day. The last message of the executed was “Long life the freedom!” Later further trials followed until end of 1943.

The leaflets of the “White Rose” were so popular that the British Royal Airforce dropped also copies as propaganda-material when they attacked German towns with bombs.

The FIR commemorates this resistance group as a part of a wider German resistance movement – mainly based on the organizations of the workers movement, Communists, Socialists and Trade Unionists, but also including Christians and humanistic citizens, some conservatives too. They all have been part of the Anti-Hitler-Coalition. They represented the so-called “other Germany”.


(Deutsch) 75 Jahre “Weiße Rose” – FIR erinnert sich an den deutschen antifaschistischen Widerstand

11. Februar 2018

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In allem vom deutschen Faschismus und den von seinen Verbündeten besetzten Ländern ist der Widerstandskampf allgemein bekannt. Auch im faschistischen Deutschland kann man Widerstandsgruppen finden, die ihr Leben für Freiheit und Frieden opferten. Eine der bekanntesten Gruppen ist die klandestine Studentengruppe “Weiße Rose” an der Universität München.

Die Mitglieder der Gruppe kamen aufgrund einer gemeinsamen Tradition in der bündischen Jugend auf Initiative eines Freundeskreises um Sophie und Hans Scholl und Alexander Schmorell von Juni 1942 in München zusammen. Die meisten von ihnen hatten eine christliche und humanistische Überzeugung.

Die Gruppe schrieb, druckte und verteilte auf verschiedenen geheimen Vertriebswegen sechs Flugblätter – in wechselndem, steigendem Trend von bis zu 9000 Exemplaren. Die Mitglieder verteilten die Flugblätter zunächst in der Region München selbst, später per Kurier in einigen anderen Städten des Deutschen Reiches. In diesen Publikationen befassten sie sich mit den Verbrechen des Regimes und forderten Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus.

In der Endphase ihres Bestehens versuchte die “Weiße Rose”, unterstützt von Falk Harnack, ihre Kontakte zu anderen Widerstandsgruppen in der Reichshauptstadt Berlin und zur Opposition in den Wehrmachtskreisen auszubauen. Nach dem Ende der Schlacht von Stalingrad malten die Mitglieder der “Weißen Rose” in nächtlichen Aktionen Slogans gegen Hitler und die Naziherrschaft an öffentliche Fassaden in München.

Ende Februar 1943 wurde die Gruppe durch die Enttarnung, Festnahme der meisten ihrer Mitglieder und schließlich die Hinrichtung ihrer prägenden Mitglieder nach Todesurteilen des Volksgerichtshofes unter dem Vorsitz von Roland Freisler zerschlagen. Der erste Prozess begann am 21. Februar 1943 gegen Sophie und Hans Scholl sowie Christoph Probst. Alle Todesurteile wurden am nächsten Tag ausgeführt. Die letzte Nachricht des Hingerichteten war “Lang lebe die Freiheit!” Später folgten weitere Prozesse bis Ende 1943.

Die Flugblätter der “Weißen Rose” waren so populär, dass die britische Royal Airforce Kopien davon als Propagandamaterial abwarf, als sie deutsche Städte mit Bomben attackierte.

Die FIR erinnert an diese Widerstandsgruppe als Teil einer breiteren deutschen Widerstandsbewegung, die sich hauptsächlich auf die Organisationen der Arbeiterbewegung, Kommunisten, Sozialisten und Gewerkschaftsmitglieder stützt, aber auch Christen und humanistische Bürger, auch einige Konservative umfasste. Sie alle waren Teil der Anti-Hitler-Koalition. Sie vertraten das sogenannte “andere Deutschland”.

75th Anniversary of the victory of Stalingrad

1. Februar 2018

On February 2, 2018 the International Federation of the Resistance fighters (FIR) – Association of Anti-fascists celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Red Army’s victory of Stalingrad. The way to Stalingrad was signed by murdering, homicide, exploitation, suppression and destruction – done by German fascism and its allied. Coventry, Rotterdam, Warsaw and Belgrade are the symbols of the air terror, which carried the armed forces over the cities of Europe. Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Majdanek, Sobibor have themselves entrenched in the mind of mankind as ‘monuments’ of the Holocaust – a holocaust produced by Nazi ‘Superior Race’ theories against all peoples, regardless of colour and race.

The victory of Stalingrad stands against it for hope for liberation and the resistance against murderous German fascism.

This hope was paid with countless human lives. The Soviet side registered approximately one million victims among the civilian population and the fighters of the Red Army in this battle. We remind the dead ones and commemorate all of those, which used themselves with their life and their health for the liberation of its country from the fascist occupation and smashing the fascist beast.

This battle of Stalingrad was not only of military importance. It represented a historical turning point in the fight of the anti-Hitler coalition with the expansionistic requirement of German fascism:

  • From a military-strategic point, this defeat of the German troops was a turning point, because hereby for the first time the advance was stopped and the “unconquerable” Wehrmacht had to accept a destroying defeat.
  • For the development of the anti-Hitler coalition in this battle has been proven that the common efforts of all allied could defeat the murderous beast of fascism and its military apparatus. Red Army’s victory in Stalingrad and afterwards had strong signal effect for Great Britain and the USA to speed up the preparations for the opening of a second front. Stalingrad knows to be regarded therefore with joins and right as beginning of the end of the robbery and murder campaign of the Wehrmacht through half Europe.
  • For the resistance movement in all occupied countries and in Germany the battle of Stalingrad was the symbol for the coming defeat of fascism. The women and men in the resistance drew from it strength, motivation and optimism for the continuation of their anti-fascist fight in the political clearing-up work and in the armed Resistance.

In this sense, FIR reminds the anniversary of victory of Stalingrad. We connect our thanks to the fighters with the promise to pass this memory on of the today’s generations. We cannot understand and accept that the today’s German government refuses to participate at the celebration in Volgograd this year.

75th Anniversary of the victory of Stalingrad

1. Februar 2018

On February 2, 2018 the International Federation of the Resistance fighters (FIR) – Association of Anti-fascists celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Red Army’s victory of Stalingrad. The way to Stalingrad was signed by murdering, homicide, exploitation, suppression and destruction – done by German fascism and its allied. Coventry, Rotterdam, Warsaw and Belgrade are the symbols of the air terror, which carried the armed forces over the cities of Europe. Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Majdanek, Sobibor have themselves entrenched in the mind of mankind as ‘monuments’ of the Holocaust – a holocaust produced by Nazi ‘Superior Race’ theories against all peoples, regardless of colour and race.

The victory of Stalingrad stands against it for hope for liberation and the resistance against murderous German fascism.

This hope was paid with countless human lives. The Soviet side registered approximately one million victims among the civilian population and the fighters of the Red Army in this battle. We remind the dead ones and commemorate all of those, which used themselves with their life and their health for the liberation of its country from the fascist occupation and smashing the fascist beast.

This battle of Stalingrad was not only of military importance. It represented a historical turning point in the fight of the anti-Hitler coalition with the expansionistic requirement of German fascism:

  • From a military-strategic point, this defeat of the German troops was a turning point, because hereby for the first time the advance was stopped and the “unconquerable” Wehrmacht had to accept a destroying defeat.
  • For the development of the anti-Hitler coalition in this battle has been proven that the common efforts of all allied could defeat the murderous beast of fascism and its military apparatus. Red Army’s victory in Stalingrad and afterwards had strong signal effect for Great Britain and the USA to speed up the preparations for the opening of a second front. Stalingrad knows to be regarded therefore with joins and right as beginning of the end of the robbery and murder campaign of the Wehrmacht through half Europe.
  • For the resistance movement in all occupied countries and in Germany the battle of Stalingrad was the symbol for the coming defeat of fascism. The women and men in the resistance drew from it strength, motivation and optimism for the continuation of their anti-fascist fight in the political clearing-up work and in the armed Resistance.

In this sense, FIR reminds the anniversary of victory of Stalingrad. We connect our thanks to the fighters with the promise to pass this memory on of the today’s generations. We cannot understand and accept that the today’s German government refuses to participate at the celebration in Volgograd this year.

Fascism is not an opinion, but a crime!

27. Januar 2018

The International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR) – Antifascist Association and its member federations commemorate every year the January 27, 1945, the Liberation-Day of extermination camp Auschwitz by soldiers of the Red Army. To remember the end, it is also needed to face the beginning and the roots of these crimes. That is why we call to remember January 30, 1933 too.


January 30, 1933 is not a “day of remembrance”, it is an obligation for all antifascist-oriented people to prevent any repetition.

It is necessary to prevent the organizations of the labor movement from being prosecuted again. Unionists, Communists and Social Democrats were the first deported to concentration camps whose organizations were persecuted, banned and crushed.

It is important to prevent the democratic rights and freedoms. With “parliamentary authorization“, the rights of the elected parliament were abolished. In the next step, politically dissenters and Jewish scientists were ousted from public life by a ban on the profession and the burning of books.

It is important to prevent war policy once again dominating social life. From the very beginning, co-ordination and the increasing militarization of society up to the practical preparations for war shaped the policy of German fascism.

It is important to prevent racism and anti-Semitism from becoming the maxims of state action. Racist exclusion through pogroms and Nuremberg racial laws created the precondition for the persecution of people of Jewish faith and those who were labeled as Jewish according to racist racial criteria.

FIR recalls that the rise of the fascist forces did not take place in the politically “empty” space. Influential forces from the military, industry, banks and the reactionary elite have significantly promoted and politically supported the rise of the NSDAP.

Therefore, it is necessary to set political counter-signals against all approaches of extreme right-wing politics and fascist ideology.

In addition to remembering the criminal policy, this includes naming the social forces that contributed to the establishment of fascist rule.

This includes facing all approaches of extreme right-wing politics and ideology.

This includes defending democracy and liberties and opposing social cuts.

This includes advocating for actual peace policy and opposing any war policy and war efforts.

Never again fascism – never again war!

FIR celebrates its President Vilmos Hanti on his 60th birthday

16. Januar 2018

The International Federation of Resistance FIR – Federation of Anti-Fascists arranges its regular leadership meeting in Budapest from 19 to 21 January 2018. On the agenda are the annual planning for 2018, initiatives against historical revisionism and the International Day Against Racism of the United Nations. The current situation in the Middle East will also occupy the members of the leadership.

A special highlight of the conference in Budapest will be the celebration of the 60th birthday of FIR President Vilmos Hanti on January 20, attended by representatives of the Hungarian Democratic Movement and other representatives of the FIR associations.

(Deutsch) FIR würdigt ihren Präsidenten Vilmos Hanti zum 60. Geburtstag

16. Januar 2018

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Die Internationale Föderation der Widerstandskämpfer FIR – Bund der Antifaschisten führt vom 19. bis 21. Januar 2018 ihre reguläre Leitungssitzung in Budapest durch. Auf der Tagesordnung stehen die Jahresplanung für 2018, Initiativen gegen Geschichtsrevisionismus und der Internationale Tag gegen Rassismus der Vereinten Nationen. Auch die aktuelle Situation im Nahen Osten wird die Leitungsmitglieder beschäftigen.

Ein besonderer Höhepunkt der Tagung in Budapest wird die Feier des 60. Geburtstags des FIR Präsidenten Vilmos Hanti am 20. Januar, an der Vertreter der demokratischen Bewegung Ungarns und weitere Repräsentanten der FIR Verbände teilnehmen werden. 

FIR condems the desecration of Soviet memorial in Plovdiv

11. November 2017

In a letter to the president of the Bulgarian Antifascist Union Simeon Ignatov FIR underlined its solidarity:

Today we received the information that in the city of Plovdiv the well-known monument of the Soviet soldier – to the liberator «Alesha» – was desecrated by neo-fascists. These barbarians left swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans on the walls.

We condemn such act of vandalism and stand on your side against all neo-fascist attempts also in Bulgaria.

It is a good political signal that the Bulgarian foreign Ministry stressed that such actions «are completely unacceptable and are contrary to the traditional tolerance and tolerance inherent to the Bulgarian people, as well as with the adopted country’s obligations under EU and international organizations concerning the fight against racism, xenophobia and crimes of hate».

Based on this statement, we demand the Bulgarian government to integrate the Bulgarian Antifascist Union from now on as an accepted partner in all social activities to preserve the memories of resistance fight and to prevent neo-fascism, racism and crimes of hate.

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