Archiv for the tag European Parliament

Urgend call for European Election

26. Mai 2024


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Call of FIR for the European Parliament Electoral Campaign

9. April 2024

The next elections to the European Parliament will take place in June 2024.The International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR) – Association of Anti-fascists remembers that the ideals of a common peaceful Europe based on the resistance fight against the fascist barbarism and the politics of violence and by extermination of Nazism. Our goal also for …

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FIR is saddened by the death of EP President David Sassoli

11. Januar 2022

We were saddened to learn that the President of the European Parliament died this morning in an Italian hospital.

Sassoli was the son of a fellow member of the Italian Resistenza. He never forgot or denied these roots in his political life. We remember that in his inaugural speech after the European elections, he referred in …

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A bad message from the European Parliament

23. September 2019


On 19 September 2019, the EU Parliament in Strasbourg passed a resolution that allegedly dealt with the “significance of the European past (or European historical consciousness) for the future of Europe“. 535 MEPs voted for this resolution, 66 against and 52 abstained.
The FIR and its member federations can in no way agree with this resolution. …

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(Français) No pasaran! – Nous ne laisserons pas passer les Droites !

31. Mai 2019

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Le résultat des élections au Parlement européen a confirmé les inquiétudes des antifascistes et des démocrates, mais a également mis en évidence les …

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No pasaran! – We will not let the extreme right through!

31. Mai 2019

On the one hand, the result of the elections to the European Parliament confirmed the concerns of the anti-fascists and democrats, but on the other hand it also underlined the different political balances of power in the respective countries.
Some characteristic features can be seen in all the results:

Voter turnout rose in almost all European countries. …

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Call of FIR (for the European parliament electoral campaign)

26. April 2019

The next elections to the European Parliament will take place in May 2019. For the International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR) – Association of Anti-Fascists, its member-federations in almost all European countries and Israel, veterans of antifascist struggle and antifascists of today’s generation, these elections are very important for a variety of reasons:
In recent years, …

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Vote for anti-fascists in the European Parliament !

8. Februar 2014

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Call of FIR: Appeal for the European election campaign

In May 2014, the European Parliament elections take place . For veterans of the anti-fascist struggle and anti- fascists of today’s generations , these elections are important of two main reasons:

The current policy and development of the European Union does not correspond to the interests of large …

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